Mailing list archive (members only)
Horários: | 4T12 [13h00–14h40] |
Sala de aulas: | A304 |
Sala do prof: | A225 |
Horário de atendimento: | mande email para marcar |
Contato: | |
- maturidade matemática:
- deve ser capaz de argumentar e se expressar matematicamente, em linguagem natural;
- provar proposições direitamente e com técnicas comuns (por exemplo indução, absurdo, por casos, etc.);
- saber os significados de implicação, equivalência, contrapositívo, leis básicos de lógica, De Morgan, etc.;
- noções de teoria de conjuntos ingénua, operações e relações em conjuntos (por exemplo, união, intersecção, subconjunto, etc.);
- pelo menos pouca experiência com lógica matemática
- desejados:
- Já ter cursado FMC2 ou a pegar em parallelo.
- Experiência com programação funcional ajudaria mas NÃO será estritamente necessária.
- Experiência com programação não-funcional (disfuncional) atrapalharia mas NÃO será estritamente proibida. ;)
- óbvios: (óbvios para qualquer disciplina mesmo!)
- {vontade, tempo} para {hackear, praticar, procurar, implementar, programar} nos assuntos da disciplina (não é uma disciplina "passiva"!)
Nos vamos estudar teoria de típos, teoria de próvas, programação funcional, e o isomorfísmo Curry–Howard.
- Lógica proposicional e de predicados
- Lógica clássica e intuicionista
- Teoria de tipos, tipos em linguagens de programação, inferência de tipos
- Teoria de provas, natural deduction, sequent calculus
- Lambda-calculus e lógica combinatória
- Programação funcional: princípios, programação de ordem alta, Currying, tipos de dados abstratos, polimorfismo.
- O isomorfísmo Curry–Howard
- Tipos dependentes, programação e provas formais com tipos dependentes
- Linguagens: Coq, Agda, Idris, Haskell, ...
O curso é introdutório mas com velocidade alta, e dependendo da participação dos alunos, poderia ser extendido com um "sequel", (parte II), no 2017.2 ou no 2018.1.
(Conhece o
(Por enquanto simultaneamente incompleta e redundante.)
- principal:
- Type Theory and Formal Proof :
- Proofs and Types :
- [ : Type Theory & Functional Programmingerrata] :
- Software Foundations :
- auxiliar:
- Lectures on the Curry–Howard isomorphism :
- Types and Programming Languages :
- Verified Functional Programming in Agda :
- Introduction to Functional Programming with Haskell (1998) :
- Thinking Functionally in Haskell :
- Learn you a Haskell for great good (LYAH) :
Unit 1
Unit 2
- Participation in class (“on the spot” solution of exercises / answers to questions)
- Presentation of book chapter
Unit 3
- Assignments from SF (implementations with deadlines; throughout the duration of the course)
Software Foundations: DEADLINES
- 01/04/2017: Basics
- 06/04/2017: Induction
- 11/04/2017: Lists
- 16/04/2017: Poly
- 21/04/2017: Tactics
- 26/04/2017: Logic
- 01/05/2017: IndProp
- 07/05/2017: ProofObjects
- 13/05/2017: IndPrinciples
- 19/05/2017: Rel & Maps
- 25/05/2017: Imp
- 31/05/2017: Smallstep
- 07/06/2017: Auto & Types
- 14/06/2017: Stlc
- 28/06/2017: StlcProp
- Find a constructive proof of the theorem we proved classically:
Existem irracionais x, y com xy racional. - If you know what an algebraic number is, prove the following:
Either π + e or πe is irrational. (Hint: π and e are transcedental.)
- Show that all of the following formulas are intuitionistically valid:
¬φ is an abbrev. for (φ → ⊥)
(φ↔ψ) is an abbrev. for ((φ→ψ) ∧ (ψ→φ))
- Using BNF, define a language of propositional logic L0 with parentheses, negation, disjunction, and conjunction. Then:
- Define the function height which returns the height of the syntactic tree of its input, considering atomic formulas p to be of height 0.
- Define the function length which returns the length of its input.
- The height of any formula is strictly less than its length.
- A proper prefix of a wff is not a wff.
- Define the function push which returns a formula logically equivalent to its input, on which negations have been “pushed” appear only in front of atomic formulas.
- Using BNF, define a language of propositional logic L0 with parentheses, negation, implication, disjunction, and conjunction, without using «...».
- Show that both {↑} and {↓} are complete sets of connectives.
- Are {¬,+}, {+,∧,∨}, {¬,+,↔} complete? Prove your answer!
- Find proofs of:
- ⊢ A → A
- ⊢ (¬A → A) → A
- A → (B → C) ⊢ B → (A → C)
- ⊢ (¬B → ¬A) → (A → B)
- Prove (without help!) that the Hilbert derivation system we use is sound:
Γ ⊢ A ⇒ Γ ⊨ A - Try to prove that the Hilbert derivation system we use is complete:
Γ ⊨ A ⇒ Γ ⊢ A
- Exercises 1.1–1.8 of Nederpelt & Geuvers
Proposition (wrong!):
Let M ∈ Λ, such that M → M1 and M → M2 Then M1 → N and M2 → N for some N ∈ Λ.
Theorem (Church–Rosser):
Let M ∈ Λ, such that M →…→ M1 and M →…→ M2. Then M1 →…→ N and M2 →…→ N for some N ∈ Λ.
Theorem (weak Church–Rosser):
Let M ∈ Λ, such that M → M1 and M → M2. Then M1 →…→ N and M2 →…→ N for some N ∈ Λ.
(i) Show that the proposition above is false (find a counterexample).
(ii) Pretend that the proposition is true, and use it to “prove” the C–R theorem.
(iii) Prove the weak C–R (without using the C–R). - Do all the previous exercises that you haven't done yet!
- S(KS)K behaves like B does
- SKK behaves like I does
- Exercises 1.9–1.17 of Nederpelt & Geuvers
- Define a λ-term
that can serve as a pair constructor, together with two projection functions (λ-terms)fst
, such that for any terms M, N:
M N) =β M
M N) =β N
- Define a term
such thatcomp
f g = f∘g. - Exercises 1.18–1.20 of Nederpelt & Geuvers
- Write a λ-term
that computes the fibonacci sequence, and use it to calculate fib(3). - Let Δ = (λx.xx). Show that Δ(f∘Δ) = f(Δ(f∘Δ))
- Let:
G := λy.λf.f (y f) Y_1 := λf.Δ(f∘Δ) Y_{n+1} := Y_n G
Prove:- (i) For all x, Y1 x = x (Y1 x)
- (ii) G Y1 = Y1
- (iii) For all x, Yn x = x (Yn x) [for all n≥1]
- (iv) G Yn = Yn [for all n≥1]
♥-level interpretations:- (iii): «all the Yn are fixpoint combinators»
- (iv): «all the Yn are fixpoints of G»
- Solve the problems of ornithology_101.pdf.
Lessons log
15/02/2017: Apresentação do curso e dos participantes
22/02/2017: Intuitionistic logic: The BHK interpretation
24/02/2017: The untyped λ-calculus: ideas and notation
08/03/2017: Formal languages; recursion – induction
29/03/2017: Mathematical logic: propositional calculus
- Syntax & semantics
- Proof theory & model theory
- Complete sets of connectives
- Hilbert-style proofs
- The system H0:
- MP. (Modus Ponens): Infer β from α → β and α
- H1. α → (β → α)
- H2. [α → (β → γ)] → [(α → β) → (α → γ)]
- H3. (¬β → ¬α) → [(¬β → α) → β]
12/04/2017: Mathematical lógic: propositional calculus
- Hilbert-style proofs
- ⊢ A → A
- Deduction theorem
- Soundness and completeness
26/04/2017: The untyped λ-calculus
- §§1.1–1.9 of Nederpelt & Geuvers
- Syntax and conventions
- Metalanguage; metavariables; metanotation
- Renaming
- Substitution
- α-equivalence
- β-redex; one-step (→)/many-step (→*) β-reduction; β-nf (normal form)
- weakly normalizing; strongly normalizing
- β-equivalence
- η-equivalence
- Church-Rosser theorem (CR)
- A corollary: M =β N ⇒ existe L com M →* L *← N
03/05/2017: Combinators; Church numerals; Arithmetic and boolean logic within λ
- Barendregt convention
- β-normal forms (exercises)
- Combinators in λ
- The Curry–Howard correspondence: Hilbert proofs and combinators
- The combinators I, K, B, Q, S
- The expressive power of K, S
- The combinators S(KI) and BI behave like I does
- Natural numbers in λ
- Arithmetic in λ:
, … - Boolean logic in λ:
, logical operators (not
, …
10/05/2017: λ-calculus
- Solving equations in which the unknown is a function
- The least solution
- Fixpoints
- Defining functions by recursion
- The Y-combinator
- Calculating recursively defined functions (e.g., factorial)
- Bizarre properties of λ: self-applications; divergent terms; all λ-terms have fixpoints!
24/05/2017: Proof theory
- Natural Deduction
31/05/2017: Proof theory
- Natural Deduction
- Dynamic of proofs
- Proof normalization as computation
09/06/2017: Proof theory
- Sequent calculus (LK & LJ)
- Linear logic
- Cut elimination
14/06/2017: Written exam
21/06/2017: Presentation 1
- Simply typed lambda calculus, by Bianca & Elias
23/06/2017: Presentation 2
- System F, by Gabriel & Marciel
28/06/2017: Presentations 3 & 4
- Types dependent on types, by Luis & Ronaldo
- Types dependent on terms, by JP & Luísa